Technical terms used in Wells
Technical terms used in Wells
Depression Head:
The difference in level between
the original water table and the stabilized water table in the well is called depression head or draw down head or infiltration head.
Cone of Depression:
The curve which joins the new water level to the unaffected water table forms a cone shaded depression which is known as cone of depression.
Radius of Influence:
The horizontal distance from the centre of the well to the point where curve of
depressed water table meets tangentially the unaffected water table is called radius of influence.
Interference of wells:
When two or more wells are constructed in such a way that they are near to each other and there cone of depression interact or
intersect then these wells are said to interfere and this phenomenon is called interference of wells.
Installation Of Pipes
Pumps are used for lifting water from the tube well. Pumps should be installed properly in order to minimize the effect of vibrations. These should be bolted on to a concrete foundation due to above reason.
When the pumps are properly installed, then these can ensure the following purposes:
1. Life of a pumping set becomes longer.
2. Pumping operation becomes economic.
3. Higher pumping efficiency can be obtained.
Boring Log Or Well Logs
Representation of the profile of earth’s strata being bored is called as boring log or well logs. The boring logs include the knowledge of depth, thickness and important soil properties such as texture, colour, hardness, permeability etc. The boring logs or well logs help in finding out the depth of pervious strata and impervious strata from the natural surface level. Strainers are provided for the full thickness of pervious water bearing strata and plane pipes are provided for full thickness of impervious or non water bearing strata.
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